Top Tips from the Best Interior Designer Movers NYC for Storing Outdoor Furniture and Plants During Renovations

Home renovation is both a challenging yet a rewarding and fulfilling experience. It’s a home revamping and improvement process that involves a lot of planning, management and logistics. The first few steps in renovating your home can feel overwhelming and seem like a huge task. However, the trick is to break it down to small goalposts and achieve them one by one. And remember to celebrate your wins as you keep ticking off tasks from your to-do list. 

Renovations breathe life into your homes and honestly, this is a change every home should get once in a while. If you’re someone who’s undertaking a home revamping project, you’re at the right place. While you’re renovating your house it might get difficult to store and manage the outdoor furniture and plants. It’s best to get them out of the way because construction work may cause damages. Hiring professional movers can help you with this process. We don’t want your patio to look shabby and that’s why we’ve listed some top tips to store your outdoor furniture and plants. That way they stay protected and ready for use once everything is done.

Quick Prep Before Moving Outdoor Furniture and Plants

Prepping your items before moving is a healthy practice. It ensures double checks and protects your stuff before they’re tucked away for a while. 

As for the first step, make sure your furniture is thoroughly cleaned before you move it either somewhere out or inside any storage room of your house, especially if your renovation is going to take some time. The reason is simple. Dust, dirt and other contaminants can damage fabrics and leather if they’re given time to settle. Every furniture piece might need a different kind of attention and a proper method of cleaning. Using an interior design moving service can ensure your furniture is cleaned and prepared correctly. 

Same goes with plants, which are quite delicate and get withered quickly. While some plants may withstand the indoor conditions of your house, others might require extra attention and care. That’s why the first and foremost thing to do is to chart out which areas of the house are going to get remodelled and then ensure your plants are nowhere near those areas. Professional NYC movers, such us Empire Movers, can also assist in relocating plants safely.

The same goes for the flora in the exteriors of your house. Every plant in the garden has the potential to become injured during construction. While plants becoming trampled or simply being run over are obvious causes, roots, stems and branches of trees are also at a risk. Simply allowing the construction crew to run heavy shod over the property can cause damage and even plant death. Consulting a designer service can help plan the protection and relocation of garden flora effectively. 

Pruning plants correctly and precisely can protect many plants. This may mean more than just removing the woody material and including root pruning. Sometimes roots may spread to a much larger area than intended to. So during renovations, prune out the excess roots and install root blockers to achieve perfect sidewalks and patios.

How to Handle Furniture and Plants During Renovations

Where will I store everything while my house is under renovation? How will I keep everything under control? Where will I find temporary storage solutions? We know you are asking all these questions when you are just starting out your home renovations. We believe these tips will help you. 

  • A Self-Storage Unit to the Rescue

For big-size renovation projects, self storage units can come in real handy when you have large pieces of furniture. But for this make sure, accessibility is the least of your issues. Selecting a storage unit starts with knowing about deposits and how leases work. Then you can do a walk-through to ensure that the facility doesn’t have issues with moisture or rodents or anything that might possibly harm your belongings. Some storage units provide transport facilities as well. So you can consider having the company pick it up and store it on your behalf.

  • Use Another Room in Your Home

If you don’t want to get third parties involved, you can always choose to store your furniture and plants inside your house. If your house has a lot of empty space and big spaces, convert them into storage units. Make sure it is well-ventilated, clean, and safe from infestations. Remember, you are not giving up that much space forever, it will be in use once the renovations are over.  Best NYC movers, Empire Movers, can assist in efficiently utilizing the space in your home for storage. Remember, you are not giving up that much space forever, it will be in use once the renovations are over.

  • Utilise Your Garage 

The renovations usually take place away from the garage. And if you have a large garage, that’s a cherry on top. All the extra space of your garage can be used to safely store your furniture. However, most garages also have problems with moisture, temperature regulation, and pests. So, it’s important to do a safety check and take some precautions before using them as storage. Because of all the moisture that may get trapped inside the garage, its better not to store your dry-loving plants in the garage. An open space with lots of air is the best option. Consider using an interior design receiving service to help organize and protect items stored in your garage.

Tips for Moving and Protecting Plants

  • Protecting Them During Construction

If you have a large variety of flora in your garden, an arborist may need to be called to perform initial maintenance correctly. Smaller plants can often be dug up and the roots wrapped in burlap that is kept moist for many weeks. Empire Movers NYC can assist in safely relocating your plants to avoid damage during construction.

  • Moving Them Without Killing Them

Plants require prep work, planning, patience, and lots of love to keep them alive and thriving during a domestic renovation. Keep them inside your house as they improve the air quality and turn your space into a happy one.


Home renovation is a fun and rewarding process. And if done rightly it can be wrapped up sooner than planned. But remember, don’t get too overwhelmed and lose your renovation progress due to some loopholes here and there that are only natural to happen. For a seamless experience, consider hiring Empire Movers NYC and our interior design receiving service.

Top Tips from the Best Interior Designer Movers NYC for Storing Outdoor Furniture and Plants During Renovations

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